Monday, February 23, 2009

The 46 day diet, LOL!

So as of today, my sexy hubby comes home in 46 days! Now I have had practically six whole months to lose the weight that I gained in '08 ( I stress ate). Ummmmm. Considering I have yet to do so, I feel a little pressured. LOL.... Ok seriously, I know that 46 days is an unrealistic, unhealthy time frame to drop weight drastically. BUT I AM GONNA TRY.... :) So here is the deal. At the risk of seriously humiliating myself on the Internet I am going to ask you to help hold me accountable, please.... Everyday I will post on my progress with workouts and eating habits. Today doesn't count, I had pizza.... At the end of the week I will post with any pounds lost and inches. Also before you ask, I am not posting my starting weight so don't ask. You are just going to have to trust me, lol. On a personal note, I could use all the encouragement you can muster up. Thanks ahead of time :)

By the way share your weight lost ideas/concoctions :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009


"Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book." -Ronald Reagan

"Change has come to America!" -Barack Obama

"Who wouldn't want change? You don't have to pay taxes." -Diania Alfonso